
It’s official. He has his learner’s permit. He’s the first of the Willis’s to have something issued by the state of Mississippi, and he’s pretty darn excited about the whole deal. We’ve been out on the road with him a few times already. Here’s what I’ve observed… 1. He’s a Right Side Hugger. Perhaps it’s […]

Not for the Faint of Heart

Rejection Meme

I’ve said it before. This whole writing thing? Not for sissies. You know what’s even worse? The solicitation part. Finding an agent, finding a publisher, finding peace in your ever-doubtful heart during the whole gut-wrenching process. (Where’s that damn Stuart Smalley when I need him?) As a lot, I’d say we writers are a bit […]

A Witness to Grief

George and Mary Claire with a Guinea Pig

Our guinea pig died Friday night. Newman was old, had lived a good life, had survived a 4-state move, had been loved by my kids. He was especially dear to Mary Claire. He slept in her bedroom, sat on her desk during homework hours, snuggled in her lap while she read. When he heard her […]

Creature Comforts


It’s been a drop-me-to-my-knees kind of week. More than once, I’ve looked upward and cried, “Uncle. Uncle. Uncle.” I’m not what anyone would call a religious person, but I am spiritual. I believe unequivocally in God — whatever He or She might look like. And this week, I have been begging for mercy, for guidance, […]

Another Baby

Three of Eva Cover Page

I can assure you that Chris had a mini-heart attack when he saw the title of this post. I nearly had one penning it. No, we’re not having another baby. It does, however, feel a bit like I just did. My newest novel, “Three of Eva” (formerly titled, “See How They Run”), was delivered to […]