Wins and Losses

The Willis House For Sale

I’ve been thinking a great deal about loss lately. And when I say “loss,” you’re conjuring up a negative connotation, aren’t you? Yeah, me, too. But I don’t necessarily think that’s always the case. Over the past year and a half, I’ve lost nearly 70 pounds. On my way to 100, I’m morphing into a […]

For Jill

Lucy Sleeping

Apparently, I’m not the only one creeped out by the Oompa Loompas. Although I don’t have much to say today, I’m blogging so Jill can remove Sunday’s spooky Willie Wonka picture from her iPad thumbnail. I can’t say I blame her. There’s nothing natural about having skin that orange. It’s kind of like a spray […]


The Willis Kids

There are a lot of ones in today’s date. I like it — it signifies a fresh start, the first, the beginning, a new chance to get it right, one more opportunity. Today, I’m sitting at my desk with a whopping hangover headache, but one that was worth every Advil and glass of water I’ve […]

Leap of Faith

Katrina and Jenny

It’s official. Our house is on the market. In this tumultuous time of negative equity and rising interest rates, we’ve decided to forge ahead. It’s a buyer’s market, not a seller’s. But at this juncture, we are paying keen attention to the signs the universe is laying at our feet. And, after all, we’ve never […]

Facebook Status Overload

George Standing in Christmas Trees

Yesterday was our annual “Picking Out the Perfect Christmas Tree” outing. The weather was gorgeous, the sun stunning, and I only heard one under-the-breath order to “shut it” (because they’re not allowed to say “shut up”) from one charming Willis child to another as we loaded into the Suburban. On the way to the Christmas […]