Are You Enough?
A while back, I stumbled upon the beautiful Jennifer Pastiloff. It seemed every other post I saw was about her, her Manifest-Station site, or one of her writing/yoga retreats. I was drawn to her positivity, her exuberance, her spirit, and that gorgeous mane of hair. She published a couple of my incredibly personal pieces on […]
In Celebration of Potatoes
Our local high school Homecoming is fast approaching, so I asked the three oldest who planned to attend. Sam, of course, is all in. Gus, as usual, is on the fence. Mary Claire was an adamant when hell freezes over. “Why don’t you want to go to Homecoming?” I asked. Her answer was swift and […]
When I Inhabit Too Much Space
I am grateful to Mamalode for hosting my story today. That space always feels safe… even when I’m feeling most vulnerable. Thanks, Mamalode. XO When I Inhabit Too Much Space
The Dressing Room
I lost it this week. Like, really lost it. Mary Claire and I ditched the boys and went shopping because we both needed a few things for Spring Break — flip-flops, t-shirts, shorts. The boys needed some new duds, too, but they trusted us to pick them out. They’d have rather chewed their own arms […]