Pride and Anger

I’m angry. I don’t like being angry. It’s not my natural state. Normally, I’m pretty happy-go-lucky. I’m go-with-the-flow. I’m every-stranger-gets-a-smile. I’m “easy like Sunday morning.”  But not today. I’m learning there is a reason gay people surround themselves with “chosen” family. Because family (and friends) so often let gay people down. Over and over and […]

The Most Tender Bruise

Last week, I banged the back of my hand against an aggressive meter jutting out of a brick wall. My fingers tingled, and a bruise immediately began to spread. (It seems I can’t sneeze without bruising these days). It was sore to the touch, and I whined about it for a good 24 hours. Today, […]

The Big Human Sea

The Great Eight

Friday, June 26th — the day the Supreme Court established marriage equality for same-sex couples — was an exciting, historical day. The meme that made me smile most was the rainbow shooting out of the computer screen onto a happy cartoon face. That’s exactly what Friday felt like to me. Why was I so happy? […]

An Essay


What does fiction mean to me? This is the question posed by my fabulous life coach, Andrea Maurer, as part of our 90-Day Power Play program. And being the A+++ student I strive to be, I wholeheartedly threw myself into research and reflection. First, however, a little background. This question was prompted by my general […]

Home Churching

Church Pews

We joke about “home churching” our kids when friends ask us about our religious beliefs. “Home churching is a lot like home schooling,” we explain. “Except that diagramming sentences takes a back seat to God.” But a quick conversation with my BFF this morning made me think a great deal about why this truly has […]