Giving Thanks

Gus Holding a Heart-Shaped Rock

I cannot deny that these past two years have been hard. Soul-crushing, fetal-position hard at times. Let me begin by saying this, by owning this: I know that if I threw my problems into a pile with all the other problems of the world, I’d grab mine back as quickly as I could. I know […]


Kids at Abrams

One of my very favorite songs to listen to when the kids were younger was the catchy “They Might Be Giants” tune, “NO!” It opens with this: “No is no. No is always no. If they say no, it means a thousand times no.” Pretty good preparation for life, methinks. We face a lot of […]

Another Baby

Three of Eva Cover Page

I can assure you that Chris had a mini-heart attack when he saw the title of this post. I nearly had one penning it. No, we’re not having another baby. It does, however, feel a bit like I just did. My newest novel, “Three of Eva” (formerly titled, “See How They Run”), was delivered to […]

Introducing Catherine

Chapter 1 of the Novel

My next book is almost done. Let’s all just ignore the fact that I said it would be done in September, k? We moved, I grieved, I put my big girl pants back on… that all takes time. And I must admit the closer I get to finishing, the more hyperventilating I engage in. Birthing […]

Queen for a Day

The Queen of England

Okay, so I’m not really a queen, but I do have the honor of being the brilliant and witty Andrea Maurer’s guest blogger of the day. Close enough, I think. Andrea is a friend of a friend… (long story)… but the most important part of that particular story is that in the past year, she […]

Jumping for Joy

Chris and Katrina Jumping on the Beach

I received the email yesterday afternoon. I almost deleted it. I was clicking through all the unwanted spam in my rarely used RoadRunner account when I stopped at the subject line that said, “Congratulations!” I was fairly certain I was about to be congratulated for winning a new pair of extra-tummy-control pantyhose or a free […]