The Wisdom of Age

Chris and Katrina at a John Mayer Concert

I had the honor of being a “guest blogger” on my friend, Nicole’s “The Year of Exploration” site. Of course, I was late with my submission. But because the committee members are kind and forgiving and enjoy sharing an occasional glass of red (thanks, Liz), they posted it anyway. Thought I’d share it here with you. […]

Sappy Angst

Katrina and Andi Wearing Laura Ashley

My iPod has been working overtime lately. As I’m packing up the house for our impending move, I’ve required loud and constant background music to keep me motivated. Often times, I play “Katrina’s Workout Tunes” to keep my heart pumping and the packing tape sticking. (Although my kids are still perplexed at how Audioslave’s “Like […]