Forging Good Humans

My friend, Logan, posted something on Facebook this past week that caught my eye. It was a newspaper article highlighting a quote from a judge who regularly deals with teens — namely, apathetic teens. This was his advice to them (as reported by Northland College Principal, John Tapene)… “Go home, mow the lawn, wash the […]
Smarty Smart Pants

We’ve been waiting patiently — and then not-so-patiently — for George to be tested for the gifted and talented program at his Mississippi school. He’s never been a kid who loves school, but in Starkville, he’s been doubly miserable. “Everyone talks too much.” “We’re always in trouble because the whole class acts up.” “We lost […]
Ring the Bell

We’re back-to-school shopping. It’s the Mississippi state tax holiday today and tomorrow, so along with the rest of the state, we’re stocking up. And we’ve got lots of extra money to spend this year. You know why? No Mississippi public school registration fees! (You can’t see the ear-to-ear smile that’s splitting my face right now, […]