Grown and Flown

As a mother, I feathered my nest with pretty things that would make my four young children feel happy, joyful, and secure. Each had a room decorated with a theme that matched their childhood interests: Sam with his sports motif, Gus with the planets and stars, Mary Claire with a special flower garden, and George […]

It is not a debilitating disease. It is not a death. It is not a permanent loss or a mistake that can never be undone. But sending your firstborn off to college is not nothing. People have often asked us these questions… Was having four kids harder than having three? Was going from man-to-man to […]
When We Were Young

We lived at Chris’s family farm, the three of us. Sam was the 6th generation Willis to inhabit the 100-year-old farmhouse. We tore out old ceilings, built bigger closets, painted every surface that could be prepped and sanded. We sang and danced a lot then, that cerulean-eyed, 10-pound baby in my arms or strapped to […]
When We Know Better

I’ve spent some time recently re-reading old blog posts (which are, by the way, not on this site) and excerpts from “Table for Six.” It’s been an eye-opener for sure, a testament to growth and maturity and perspective. And hard as it is to admit, some less-than-stellar writing… and parenting. As a young mom to […]
Full of Grate

The season of gratitude is upon us. I’ve been reading the daily Facebook posts. Some may find them wearing, but I enjoy the reminder to look at life through a different lens — sometimes even one that’s rose-colored. Ultimately, this family has so much — healthy kids, happy marriage, squirrel-chasing dogs, a roof over our […]
Bittersweet Sixteen

Sixteen short years ago, he made me a mother. Now he has a driver’s license. And an adorable girlfriend. And a wicked sense of humor. And a killer smile. The world is his for the taking. Hug your babies, Mamas. And don’t blink. [youtube=]
Toddlers and Teens and In Betweens

Our kids are 15, 13, 12, and 10. That means at one point in our lives, they were 5, 3, 2, and barely out of the womb. When Mary Claire was born, Gus was not yet walking. When George (the baby) was born, Sam (the oldest) was still in preschool. People ask how we did […]
The Secret

People often ask me what our secret is. Chris and I have been married for 17 years, have been together for 24. We are happy, content, have settled into our lives with grace, love, and acceptance. That doesn’t mean it’s all been sunshine and unicorns. When we were first married, I was a bit of […]
Pleased to Meet You

As many of you know, I’m the new “Mom Blogger” for Indy’s Child magazine. If you haven’t seen their site, I’d run over right now. There’s a lot of good stuff… and some pretty cute kids. But if you miss my posts over there, you’ll be able to find them here, too. (And no, they […]