The Origin of My Anger

Trigger warnings: childhood sexual abuse, rape Yesterday, I said to a friend, “I am so angry all the time. I can feel

The State of My Nation

And the state of my heart. I am tired. It’s only July, the election isn’t until November, and I am exhausted. And

Three days ago, we said, “Psych! Just kidding.” But we still have music. And books. And dogs. I didn’t get much sleep

Ready to Run

I played half a game of pickleball this morning before I had to stop, my knee screaming. Pickleball—such a silly name for

Katrina Willis with Parting Gifts Cake
Katrina Anne Willis is the author of Parting Gifts (She Writes Press, April 2016) and a faculty member of the Story Summit Writer’s School. Her personal essays have been featured in numerous anthologies, including Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Possible, My Other Ex: Women’s True Stories of Leaving and Losing Friends, and Nothing but the Truth So Help Me God. She was recognized as one of six distinguished authors at the 2016 Indianapolis Book & Author luncheon, was named a BlogHer 2015: Experts Among Us “Voice of the Year,” was awarded the 2014 Parenting Media Association’s Gold Medal Blogger Award, participated in the 2013 “Listen to Your Mother” show, and was a 2011 Midwest Writers Fellow.

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