
Sam and Katrina in Montreal

It is not a debilitating disease. It is not a death. It is not a permanent loss or a mistake that can never be undone. But sending your firstborn off to college is not nothing. People have often asked us these questions… Was having four kids harder than having three? Was going from man-to-man to […]

A Different Narrative


I am overcome. Your notes, your texts, your calls, your stories. There are so many. So very many. For five days and nights now, I have been enveloped in love and light. I have also been privy to so many of your stories of “Me, too.” My heart is lifted, my heart is heavy. But […]

Muscle Memory

Katrina and Colleene

We all have untold stories, pieces of us that for whatever reason remain buried, unseen. But that doesn’t always mean they should stay there, hidden. I am an advocate of sharing stories as a way to heal — both self and others. And yet, there are some I’ve been reluctant to voice, to name, to […]

Are You Enough?

Mary Claire Striking a Pose

A while back, I stumbled upon the beautiful Jennifer Pastiloff. It seemed every other post I saw was about her, her Manifest-Station site, or one of her writing/yoga retreats. I was drawn to her positivity, her exuberance, her spirit, and that gorgeous mane of hair. She published a couple of my incredibly personal pieces on […]

It Can Wait


I have a dear friend who is also a high-powered business woman. She is a smart, savvy, successful entrepreneur who closes multi-million dollar deals one minute, leads a national women’s organization the next, and hosts glittering, fun-filled parties in her exquisitely decorated home that evening. She is amazing and inspiring in innumerable ways. She also […]

When I Inhabit Too Much Space

You Are Beautiful

I am grateful to Mamalode for hosting my story today. That space always feels safe… even when I’m feeling most vulnerable. Thanks, Mamalode. XO When I Inhabit Too Much Space

The Significant Now

Lake Lights

I’ve been holding out for some divine inspiration lately, a few life-altering insights to share with the world. But the truth is this: I don’t have any. The school year has ended, life is unhurriedly unfurling, and nothing earth-shattering has rocked our existence of late. And you know what? I love it. I am so […]

A Trip Around the Sun

Date Night Selfie with Purple Hat

Today begins another trip around the sun. The snow in our backyard is melting, revealing layers upon layers of dog poo — the remnants of a long, cold, record-setting season — measuring the winter of our discontent like rings on a tree. But it’s the first day of spring, my birthday, and there are buds […]

The Dressing Room

Katrina and Mary Claire

I lost it this week. Like, really lost it. Mary Claire and I ditched the boys and went shopping because we both needed a few things for Spring Break — flip-flops, t-shirts, shorts. The boys needed some new duds, too, but they trusted us to pick them out.  They’d have rather chewed their own arms […]


Katrina Shoots a Basketball

In recognition of National Eating Disorders Awareness week… * * * My relationship with food and with my body is complicated, slippery, broken. My ability to deal with it from a place of reason and intellect waxes and wanes. No matter how it may or may not manifest itself, I will always have an eating […]