The Queen of England

Okay, so I’m not really a queen, but I do have the honor of being the brilliant and witty Andrea Maurer’s guest blogger of the day.

Close enough, I think.

Andrea is a friend of a friend… (long story)… but the most important part of that particular story is that in the past year, she has become my soul mate, life coach, wine drinking buddy, lifeline, and irreplaceable comrade. And I am honored and humbled to be able to blog on her site.

Oh, and if you’re looking for some life-coaching, some profound insight, some great advice, and lots of laughter? Check out her 90-Day Power Play. It will change you in ways you never thought imaginable. You will be better, stronger, more powerful when you’re done. You will know who you are and what it is you’re supposed to do with this crazy life you’ve been given. And if you’re super-lucky, you might even learn some fun new phrases like “Dysfunction Junction.”

Thanks, Shmee, for trusting me with your blog. XO


And… drum roll, please… here’s the post.

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