In the Quiet Spaces
some people when they hear your story. contract. others upon hearing your story, expand. and this is how you know ~ Nayyirah Waheed It’s been over seven months since I came out. Long enough to cry a few tears. Long enough to laugh with inhibition. Long enough to learn a lesson or two. Long enough […]
The Common Good
I’m not what you’d call a “political” person. So it makes me a bit uneasy to post about a “political” topic, but as a writer, when the muse calls… it’s best not to let that one go to voice mail. I watched with wonder yesterday as my Facebook friends split before my eyes… half to […]
Political Upheaval
It’s that time again. Time to watch the candidates go at it. Time for everyone to take sides. Time for those so inclined to declare, “I’m right. You’re wrong.” When we’re in the heart of an election year, a little pit grows in my stomach. (You can’t see it, though, because it’s crowded out by […]
Home Churching
We joke about “home churching” our kids when friends ask us about our religious beliefs. “Home churching is a lot like home schooling,” we explain. “Except that diagramming sentences takes a back seat to God.” But a quick conversation with my BFF this morning made me think a great deal about why this truly has […]