400 Words

The Kids

Chris. Sam. Gus. Mary Claire. George. Coffee and a Mac and words tumbling through my brain. Mint chocolate. Pajamas, preferably cozy PJ pants and an old t-shirt. My beautiful forever friends. Loud laughter. Quiet nights by the fire. Books. Books. More books. Great fiction. Vacations. Kindness. St. George Island. A cabin in the woods. An […]

The Spaces In Between

Sunset at the Beach

The lovely, spiritual, intuitive Amy Oscar is hosting a December Writing Circle. Every day (give or take a few), she is presenting participants with writing prompts to do with as we please. We can use them, ignore them, choose to eat Oreos instead. I love that kind of freedom. Today’s prompt, however spoke volumes to […]

Adventures with Shmee: Part Two

Alligator in the Swamp

On the second day Shmee was here, we went to the Noxubee Wildlife Refuge for the day. Armed only with Subway and bottles of water, we drove into the Refuge and were immediately greeted by a 7-foot alligator. “There’s a gator,” Shmee said nonchalantly. “Holy shit,” I replied as I pulled the car over. “Are […]

An Essay


What does fiction mean to me? This is the question posed by my fabulous life coach, Andrea Maurer, as part of our 90-Day Power Play program. And being the A+++ student I strive to be, I wholeheartedly threw myself into research and reflection. First, however, a little background. This question was prompted by my general […]