Filling the Hole

Dear Diary, Let’s talk about fat. Let’s talk about being fat and societal expectations and fatphobia and food. I want to talk about all those things because I struggle with them on the daily. I’m currently far fatter than I’d like to be, and it’s all I can think about. Well, not all I can […]
When I Inhabit Too Much Space

I am grateful to Mamalode for hosting my story today. That space always feels safe… even when I’m feeling most vulnerable. Thanks, Mamalode. XO When I Inhabit Too Much Space

In recognition of National Eating Disorders Awareness week… * * * My relationship with food and with my body is complicated, slippery, broken. My ability to deal with it from a place of reason and intellect waxes and wanes. No matter how it may or may not manifest itself, I will always have an eating […]

Two weeks ago, I lost nine pounds. Last week, I gained eight of them back. This is not a new story in my anthology. I have always been Oprah-esque in my ability to lose and gain, to rinse and repeat. So are many of you. I know that from the emails I receive, the private […]
The Skin I’m In

“Listen To Your Mother” was an unbelievably moving experience. The women, the stories, the camaraderie, the fabulous audience, every single moment of it. It was better than anything I could have imagined. And then. The photographer’s pictures were released. This post is not about “Listen To Your Mother.” That deserves its own sacred space. This, […]