Meeting Annie

Did you guys know I was a finalist in the Notes & Words essay contest? Oh, I’ve mentioned it a couple of times? I wanted to make sure you’d heard. You know, just in case you’d been struck by a meteor and were rendered unable to read my ad nauseum Facebook updates. This past weekend, […]
Going… Going… Gone

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks. For those of you who haven’t yet been privy to my shameless self-promotion in the Notes & Words essay contest, I’m one of the five finalists. I’m honored, thrilled, nauseous, eager to hear the announcement of the winner — which, incidentally, was moved to TOMORROW. Our non-refundable tickets […]
Wherever I’m With You

Home. It’s a loaded word, isn’t it? Chock-full of slippery semantics. I’m a native Hoosier. Grew up in Greenfield, went to school both in Bloomington and in Muncie, raised my kids in Zionsville. In July, we moved The Tribe to Starkville. Now we call Mississippi home. Here’s the thing. Home is where my family is. […]