Give Her a Face

America, I’m worried. I’ve been reading day in and day out about the Central American refugee children in Texas, and it seems so many of us have forgotten our hearts. There are those who will argue my use of the term “refugee,” but I stand firmly behind it. When mothers choose to send their babies […]
True North

A moral compass that maps True North at the intersection of judgment and discrimination is not the one I choose to help me navigate my journey. Love is love. And as Forrest Gump so famously stated, “That’s all I have to say about that.”
A Hand to Hold

Our neighbors across the street are getting a new roof. These past few early summer mornings have been sunny and cool and beautiful, and I’ve been drinking my coffee and catching up on some front porch reading to begin each day. This morning, though, I had to angle my chair away from the neighbors’ house. […]