Feeding the Family

I’m making dinner tonight. This may not seem like a great and noble feat to many of you, but then, you’ve probably never been subjected to my mad culinary skills (or lack thereof). Chris has to mold the minds of his grad students this evening, so it’s my turn to make dinner. Normally when it’s […]

In recognition of National Eating Disorders Awareness week… * * * My relationship with food and with my body is complicated, slippery, broken. My ability to deal with it from a place of reason and intellect waxes and wanes. No matter how it may or may not manifest itself, I will always have an eating […]
Upon Further Reflection

Sometimes my brain works better in lists — random, scattered, unordered. Today is one of those days. That said, I’d like to share 42 thoughts and observations… one for each year of my life thus far. And an extra eight… just for verbosity’s sake. Apparently, I have more than 42 things to remind myself of. […]
The Recipe for Success

I’m mesmerized by those who do it well. The assurance, the graceful and fluid movements, the alchemy, the aroma, the moans of pleasure that inevitably result. But alas, cooking remains a mystery to me. When I’m in the kitchen, I spill things, burn things, forget to put eggs in the meatloaf (thus resulting in the […]