Are You Enough?
A while back, I stumbled upon the beautiful Jennifer Pastiloff. It seemed every other post I saw was about her, her Manifest-Station site, or one of her writing/yoga retreats. I was drawn to her positivity, her exuberance, her spirit, and that gorgeous mane of hair. She published a couple of my incredibly personal pieces on […]
Upon Further Reflection
Sometimes my brain works better in lists — random, scattered, unordered. Today is one of those days. That said, I’d like to share 42 thoughts and observations… one for each year of my life thus far. And an extra eight… just for verbosity’s sake. Apparently, I have more than 42 things to remind myself of. […]
The Secret
People often ask me what our secret is. Chris and I have been married for 17 years, have been together for 24. We are happy, content, have settled into our lives with grace, love, and acceptance. That doesn’t mean it’s all been sunshine and unicorns. When we were first married, I was a bit of […]
The “Couches Across Indiana” Tour
We have the best friends in the world. Truly. The. Best. We moved out of our home in mid-June anticipating an earlier house closing and capitalizing on the one date the moving company had available. When we announced our need to find some temporary housing, our friends and family rose to the occasion. Offer after […]