The Origin of My Anger
Trigger warnings: childhood sexual abuse, rape Yesterday, I said to a friend, “I am so angry all the time. I can feel it bubbling up in me at any perceived injustice. I don’t like feeling this way. This isn’t me.” Normally, I like to consider myself fairly even-keeled, prone to loving and fun conversations rather […]
Pickleball is Life
We women deal with the patriarchy and mansplaining and misogyny every single day of our lives. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Some of us deal with it from strangers, some from partners, some from husbands. We’re tired. We don’t want to deal with it any more.
The Big Human Sea
Friday, June 26th — the day the Supreme Court established marriage equality for same-sex couples — was an exciting, historical day. The meme that made me smile most was the rainbow shooting out of the computer screen onto a happy cartoon face. That’s exactly what Friday felt like to me. Why was I so happy? […]
#Ferguson Thoughts
I don’t know what happened in the Michael Brown case. I’m not privy to all the evidence. But here’s what I do know… I have a son who is almost 18. Like most Mama Bears, I love him with a ferocity that still steals my breath. He is tall and strong and athletic and potentially […]
The Common Good
I’m not what you’d call a “political” person. So it makes me a bit uneasy to post about a “political” topic, but as a writer, when the muse calls… it’s best not to let that one go to voice mail. I watched with wonder yesterday as my Facebook friends split before my eyes… half to […]