Reluctant Research

Many years ago, when I first began my professional career, I worked with a gal who became a quick friend. We were in different departments, but we clicked instantly. She’d just gotten married, I was engaged. We were young and happy and upwardly mobile. Shortly after our friendship was cemented over dinners out and shared […]
All Kinds of Mothers

Mother’s Day is such a funny little celebration. Overpriced flowers, candies, brunches, matching kid outfits — all in honor of the one who birthed us. It’s a commonality we children carry… like birth, like death, there are inevitable things we share in the connectedness of our existence. Each of us has a mother. Perhaps we […]
In the Eye of the Beholder

This is what shameless self-promotion looks like. It’s not pretty. It’s a pony tail and a baseball cap, some leftover mascara, a sunburned nose, a wine-stained sleep shirt (ironically, one from St. V’s NICU reunion), and coffee breath. It feels a bit like whoring, all this plugging for myself. Well, whoring without the sexual gratification […]