A Trip Around the Sun

Date Night Selfie with Purple Hat

Today begins another trip around the sun. The snow in our backyard is melting, revealing layers upon layers of dog poo — the remnants of a long, cold, record-setting season — measuring the winter of our discontent like rings on a tree. But it’s the first day of spring, my birthday, and there are buds […]


She turns 49 today. That hardly seems possible. I still remember her sitting at the kitchen table in our Weston Village apartment, layering her blue eye shadow as she gazed into her Clairol multi-light mirror. Styx played in the background as she flipped her bangs with a large-barreled curling iron and meticulously applied her shiny, […]

Missing the Heart of Home

Katrina with Mary Claire and Her Mom

I remember this feeling from summers spent at CYO Camp Rancho Framasa. Lying in my sleeping bag at night, sweating, scratching mosquito bites on my legs, peeling the sunburn from my nose, and feeling the little, nagging ball of pain in the corner of my stomach. Homesick. Camp days were filled to overflowing with crafts […]

A Perfect Ten

George and Chris

Isn’t it obnoxious when parents refer to their nearly-grown children as their babies? My mom is guilty of it… and I haven’t been a baby for over 40 years. That obnoxiousness must be hereditary in some way because I’m going to do the exact same thing. My baby turns ten today. It’s been a decade […]

A Maternal Tribute

My mom is the Best Mom in the World. You may argue that yours takes the prize, and that’s okay. If every child thought his or her mom was the Best Mom in the World, I believe this planet would be a much kinder and gentler place. I hope that someday my kids say I’m […]