A Rant
I’m cleaning again today. For the 8,734th time (roughly) in the past three months, I’m cleaning. I’m scrubbing my floor on my hands and knees, I’m vacuuming dog hair, I’m making my toilets sparkle, I’m eradicating any random boy-pee spray from the base of the potty. I’m fluffing pillows, straightening rooms, hiding sex toys (you’re […]
Wins and Losses
I’ve been thinking a great deal about loss lately. And when I say “loss,” you’re conjuring up a negative connotation, aren’t you? Yeah, me, too. But I don’t necessarily think that’s always the case. Over the past year and a half, I’ve lost nearly 70 pounds. On my way to 100, I’m morphing into a […]
Mary Claire is not happy about showing our house. She’s more than a little unnerved by the knowledge that people are going to walk through her room, see her toys, possibly lick her toothbrush. “Are they going to touch my stuff?” she asks constantly. “Will they open my drawers? Will they read my books? Will […]