Slow but Steady

“26.2 miles didn’t seem all that long. If you’re in a car, it’s just a few exits down the interstate. But in road-weary Brooks, it’s, well, 26.2 miles. One step after another. Right, left, right, left.” You can read the rest here: Slow but Steady, featured on Mamalode
Marathon Hearts

I finished my first marathon two years ago. 26.2 miles is a long distance. It’s not to be taken lightly. I trained faithfully for months. I woke in the black, early-morning hours and queued my playlist. I dedicated my weekends to long runs, to having my dear, devoted husband meet me every 5-7 miles with […]
5K Per Day

Last November, I ran my first marathon. The Indianapolis Monumental Marathon, to be exact. It was a life-altering experience — from first training run to the finish line. While I was training (and about 6 months prior to beginning my runs), I lost nearly 60 pounds. And although it didn’t make me much faster, it […]
A Festivus Miracle

Today, I’m honored to share a guest post with you. The fabulous health coach, Crossfit addict, and all-around great guy, Craig Spinner, asked me to share my weight loss journey on his blog, cSpin Healthy. Shockingly enough, I was able to do it without any profanity. (Another Festivus miracle.) Thanks, Craig, for the opportunity. It was […]