Sharing Sunday with John Green

Celebrate my 44th at Noah Grant’s with my best friend and listen to John Green speak all within a 24-hour window? It was a no-brainer. As soon as Andi mentioned the possibility, we loaded the three youngest kids in the car — Mary Claire and George bursting with the anticipation of meeting their literary and […]
Hands Free Mama: A Book Review

I was first introduced to Rachel Macy Stafford when she posted “A Letter to My 16-Year-Old Son” on the “Hands Free Revolution” Facebook page. I was astounded and overwhelmed by the instant increase in my blog traffic simply because she chose to share her space with me. Her loyal and prolific readers are a testament […]
Behind the Blog

I’m honored and humbled to be the inaugural “Behind the Blog” blogger for the lovely Kim of “At Home with Kim.” If you haven’t yet discovered her site and her warm smile, I’m happy to introduce you. Fabulous Blog Followers, meet Kim. Kim, meet my Fabulous Blog Followers. Kim writes about a great array of […]
Super Bowl Envy

I’ve got it bad. It’s not attractive, not pretty. But I’ve got it. I don’t like being envious, covetous, jealous… and yet, there it is. So I’m just going to embrace it. I have a severe case of FOMO, Jeryl. (That’s Fear of Missing Out for those of you not privy to my acronyms.) And […]
Wherever I’m With You

Home. It’s a loaded word, isn’t it? Chock-full of slippery semantics. I’m a native Hoosier. Grew up in Greenfield, went to school both in Bloomington and in Muncie, raised my kids in Zionsville. In July, we moved The Tribe to Starkville. Now we call Mississippi home. Here’s the thing. Home is where my family is. […]
The Accidental Thief

My dear friend, Mary, can throw one hell of a party. There are many things that make her a fabulous hostess. She’s willing to put in new hardwoods and replace baseboards to make her house look perfect. She is a meticulous planner, detailed to a fault. She makes a damn good South of the Border […]