A Trip Around the Sun

Date Night Selfie with Purple Hat

Today begins another trip around the sun. The snow in our backyard is melting, revealing layers upon layers of dog poo — the remnants of a long, cold, record-setting season — measuring the winter of our discontent like rings on a tree. But it’s the first day of spring, my birthday, and there are buds […]

It Takes a (Kind) Village

Bench with Heart Carved in it

As a writer, I face rejection on a daily basis. People love or hate my work — or worse, they’re indifferent to it. Agents say no, publishers say no, magazine editors say no. What that’s done for me is thicken my skin. (Not thicken my rear end, although some would beg to differ.) My point? […]

I Write Because


It’s the kind of prompt I loathe the most. But as part of a contest entry, I had to do it. I had to write about why I write (in 500 words or less) with the oh-so-ordinary “I write because…” opener. So, without further ado — or complaining — here she is… I write because […]

Not for the Faint of Heart

Rejection Meme

I’ve said it before. This whole writing thing? Not for sissies. You know what’s even worse? The solicitation part. Finding an agent, finding a publisher, finding peace in your ever-doubtful heart during the whole gut-wrenching process. (Where’s that damn Stuart Smalley when I need him?) As a lot, I’d say we writers are a bit […]

An Essay


What does fiction mean to me? This is the question posed by my fabulous life coach, Andrea Maurer, as part of our 90-Day Power Play program. And being the A+++ student I strive to be, I wholeheartedly threw myself into research and reflection. First, however, a little background. This question was prompted by my general […]