My Husband’s Words

Chris and Katrina at a John Mayer Concert

I’m married to one of the best human beings on this earth. I’m not sure how that happened. Perhaps I won the life lottery a billion years ago when we were all just stardust. He’s handsome and funny and irreverent and hard-working. He’s a culinary genius, and he can repair, replace, or rebuild anything in […]

There Is a Season

Katrina's Bridesmaids

Nineteen years. That’s how long it’s been since this picture was taken. Our October day was take-my-breath-away stunning in every way imaginable. My brand new husband, my family, my friends. Lots of booze and dancing. Wedding cake. Billy Joel. Forever vows. I was looking through old pictures today, reminiscing, laughing. We were such babies when […]

The Gift of Letting Go

When I write fiction, I write about relationships. Siblings, spouses, children, parents, friends. Our lives are shaped and molded by our relationships. And sometimes they can be tricky. So, I write about them to help illuminate what’s important, what’s universal, what we all struggle with, what we all sink into and find comfort in — […]


Chris Getting a Kiss on Both Cheeks

We were blessed to be part of a very special wedding yesterday. Just under a year ago — although it seems I have known them for at least ten lifetimes — my existence was turned upside down and inside out when I met and was welcomed with open arms into an incredible family filled to […]