Caring for Ourselves Looks a Lot Like Caring for Others

The Essence of Life

“Hello… is it me you’re looking for? Cause I wonder where you are, and I wonder what you do…” That’s one of my favorite cheesiest-of-the-cheesy love songs. Lionel was an 80s fixture for me, for sure. Now that song will be stuck in your head all day. “And I want to tell you so much… […]

Perfect Imperfection

Katrina and Mary Claire

Since January 1st, I’ve lost ten pounds. It should be a celebration, really. Ten pounds is a dress size. It’s substantially less belly fat. It’s buttons on my jeans that don’t feel like they’re going to leave a permanent scar. It’s an accomplishment. And still, I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated that I had ten pounds to […]