Highs and Lows


Chris is worried about me. And it’s because of my shoes. “I’m afraid you’ve lost your in-between,” he said recently as I lounged around in my workout clothes and then promptly changed into pajamas when I couldn’t imagine prolonging the agony of wearing my bra one second longer. “Release the hounds!” we like to announce […]

Queen of Hearts

Katrina with Her Mom and Debbie

When you’re 500 miles away, sometimes people forget to tell you things. Even though you’ve asked to be included on all the Evites and Facebook Events and email invites — primarily because you’re deeply rooted in FOMO — occasionally, there’s a pool party back at home that you’re not invited to, a baby shower list […]

Choking Artie

Once upon a time, a youngish 40-something willingly agreed to support her smart, sassy husband in his career endeavors, sold the house they built together and thought they’d live in forever, packed up the kids, medicated the canines, and moved to StarkVegas, MS — home of armadillo roadkill and summer air so thick you can […]