It Can Wait


I have a dear friend who is also a high-powered business woman. She is a smart, savvy, successful entrepreneur who closes multi-million dollar deals one minute, leads a national women’s organization the next, and hosts glittering, fun-filled parties in her exquisitely decorated home that evening. She is amazing and inspiring in innumerable ways. She also […]

Proof I Listened To My Mother

Katrina, Carrie, and Their Mom

In case you hadn’t yet been privy to my incessant blathering about it, we had our first “Listen To Your Mother” rehearsal last night. It was an incredible experience — intimidating, inspiring, enlightening. Usually, I’m the loud one — the one who’s not shy or afraid to make an ass of myself by blurting out […]

Queen of Hearts

Katrina with Her Mom and Debbie

When you’re 500 miles away, sometimes people forget to tell you things. Even though you’ve asked to be included on all the Evites and Facebook Events and email invites — primarily because you’re deeply rooted in FOMO — occasionally, there’s a pool party back at home that you’re not invited to, a baby shower list […]