Filling the Hole

Dear Diary, Let’s talk about fat. Let’s talk about being fat and societal expectations and fatphobia and food. I want to talk about all those things because I struggle with them on the daily. I’m currently far fatter than I’d like to be, and it’s all I can think about. Well, not all I can […]

Mama Love

Katrina's beautiful, funny, irreverent, magnetic Mom.

It is her birthday today, my Mama. And also, Elvis’s. I always have to do the math. Mom had me when she was 30… I am 43… that makes her 73 today. 73 years is a long time to be loved unconditionally, and yet my Mom has always been up to the task. We may […]

Seventy East

Katrina with Mom and Bobby

I’ve been missing my Mom something fierce lately. It always happens around holidays. We talked on the phone for over an hour tonight. We laughed and cried… and she even cussed a little. My feelings had been hurt recently and unexpectedly, and Mama Bear had my back with a fierceness and a bit of profanity. […]

All Things in Moderation

Katrina and Friends

My metabolism is on vacation. Better she than I, though. She looks much better in a bikini. I, in fact, haven’t looked good in a bikini since I was sixteen. And that, my friends, was quite a few years ago. So, I’m wishing her well, bidding her adieu until she decides to return. I hope […]