Filling the Hole

Dear Diary, Let’s talk about fat. Let’s talk about being fat and societal expectations and fatphobia and food. I want to talk about all those things because I struggle with them on the daily. I’m currently far fatter than I’d like to be, and it’s all I can think about. Well, not all I can […]

Caring for Ourselves Looks a Lot Like Caring for Others

The Essence of Life

“Hello… is it me you’re looking for? Cause I wonder where you are, and I wonder what you do…” That’s one of my favorite cheesiest-of-the-cheesy love songs. Lionel was an 80s fixture for me, for sure. Now that song will be stuck in your head all day. “And I want to tell you so much… […]

The Dressing Room

Katrina and Mary Claire

I lost it this week. Like, really lost it. Mary Claire and I ditched the boys and went shopping because we both needed a few things for Spring Break — flip-flops, t-shirts, shorts. The boys needed some new duds, too, but they trusted us to pick them out.  They’d have rather chewed their own arms […]


Andi, Katrina, and Jess

Two weeks ago, I lost nine pounds. Last week, I gained eight of them back. This is not a new story in my anthology. I have always been Oprah-esque in my ability to lose and gain, to rinse and repeat. So are many of you. I know that from the emails I receive, the private […]

The Skin I’m In


“Listen To Your Mother” was an unbelievably moving experience. The women, the stories, the camaraderie, the fabulous audience, every single moment of it. It was better than anything I could have imagined. And then. The photographer’s pictures were released. This post is not about “Listen To Your Mother.” That deserves its own sacred space. This, […]

Perfect Imperfection

Katrina and Mary Claire

Since January 1st, I’ve lost ten pounds. It should be a celebration, really. Ten pounds is a dress size. It’s substantially less belly fat. It’s buttons on my jeans that don’t feel like they’re going to leave a permanent scar. It’s an accomplishment. And still, I’m frustrated. I’m frustrated that I had ten pounds to […]

Choking Artie

Once upon a time, a youngish 40-something willingly agreed to support her smart, sassy husband in his career endeavors, sold the house they built together and thought they’d live in forever, packed up the kids, medicated the canines, and moved to StarkVegas, MS — home of armadillo roadkill and summer air so thick you can […]

5K Per Day

Katrina After Finishing Her Marathon

Last November, I ran my first marathon. The Indianapolis Monumental Marathon, to be exact. It was a life-altering experience — from first training run to the finish line. While I was training (and about 6 months prior to beginning my runs), I lost nearly 60 pounds. And although it didn’t make me much faster, it […]

A Festivus Miracle

Katrina and Chris

Today, I’m honored to share a guest post with you. The fabulous health coach, Crossfit addict, and all-around great guy, Craig Spinner, asked me to share my weight loss journey on his blog, cSpin Healthy. Shockingly enough, I was able to do it without any profanity. (Another Festivus miracle.) Thanks, Craig, for the opportunity. It was […]

Wins and Losses

The Willis House For Sale

I’ve been thinking a great deal about loss lately. And when I say “loss,” you’re conjuring up a negative connotation, aren’t you? Yeah, me, too. But I don’t necessarily think that’s always the case. Over the past year and a half, I’ve lost nearly 70 pounds. On my way to 100, I’m morphing into a […]