A Pain Story

Dear Diary, My sweet mom lived with chronic pain. She was diagnosed with MS in her 50s and with neuropathy shortly thereafter.

Happy Pride 2023!

Dear Diary, I used to think that I didn’t have queer representation growing up. But when I really sift through my memories,

Just Say No to Hate

Sissy… about to pick a fight with that sketchy dog in the mirror. I say it to Sissy all the time: “You

Dear Diary, Today is Mother’s Day. People ask me how I’m feeling about it, how I’m doing in the wake of losing

Katrina Willis with Parting Gifts Cake
Katrina Anne Willis is the author of Parting Gifts (She Writes Press, April 2016) and a faculty member of the Story Summit Writer’s School. Her personal essays have been featured in numerous anthologies, including Chicken Soup for the Soul: Think Possible, My Other Ex: Women’s True Stories of Leaving and Losing Friends, and Nothing but the Truth So Help Me God. She was recognized as one of six distinguished authors at the 2016 Indianapolis Book & Author luncheon, was named a BlogHer 2015: Experts Among Us “Voice of the Year,” was awarded the 2014 Parenting Media Association’s Gold Medal Blogger Award, participated in the 2013 “Listen to Your Mother” show, and was a 2011 Midwest Writers Fellow.

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