Lucy Sleeping

Apparently, I’m not the only one creeped out by the Oompa Loompas. Although I don’t have much to say today, I’m blogging so Jill can remove Sunday’s spooky Willie Wonka picture from her iPad thumbnail. I can’t say I blame her. There’s nothing natural about having skin that orange. It’s kind of like a spray tan gone horribly wrong.

Today was a lazy, stay-in-my-PJs, edit-my-book, and eat-Jello-in-front-of-the-fire kind of day. Hence the reason I posted this picture of Lucy. This is, after all, what she does every day (sans the PJ wearing and book editing and Jello eating). I used to worry about my dogs being lonely while I was at work. Now I realize their days consist of a whole lot of glorious nothingness — with a bit of poop-eating thrown in for good measure.

Chris stayed home to work on his dissertation. Many couples say they couldn’t stand to be home together all the time, but I love it when he’s here. Even if we’re working in separate rooms, it’s comforting to know that he’s just a loud and obnoxious shout away. And the fact that he stoked the fire all day while I sat on my ass didn’t hurt, either.

My kiddos are home from school now, the snow is still falling outside, and all is well. Today might not have been exciting by many standards, but it was close to perfect.

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