Thankful Thursday

Today is about acknowledgments. Lots of acknowledgments. First and foremost, a huge shout out to BlogHer and the Voice of the Year judges. I found out early this week that I was named a BlogHer 2015: Experts Among Us Voice of the Year for my piece, “When I Inhabit Too Much Space.” Of course, I’m […]
In Syndication

When I was little, I had a stuffed elephant named Dumbo Society. I named him Dumbo Society because, well, Dumbo was the world’s most famous elephant and because Society sounded very fancy and sophisticated. You know what else sounds fancy and sophisticated? Being syndicated on BlogHer. That means I’m Fancy Schmancy. Why? Because I’m featured […]
Listen To Your Mother

Sharing stories has never been a problem for me. I’m an over-sharer by nature, a blurter, a confessor. I’m pretty unfiltered and have been known to hug strangers with reckless abandon. I know that’s not the case for everyone. Some people find it more challenging to share, to open up, to extend. I understand that […]