Thankful Thursday

Dear Sugar

Today is about acknowledgments. Lots of acknowledgments. First and foremost, a huge shout out to BlogHer and the Voice of the Year judges. I found out early this week that I was named a BlogHer 2015: Experts Among Us Voice of the Year for my piece, “When I Inhabit Too Much Space.” Of course, I’m […]

The Extraordinary Ordinary


Over the past few weeks, this little blog has experienced quite a bit of traffic. If you’re new here… Welcome! Welcome! So grateful you came along for the ride. It’s been wonderful to see so many new names and faces. Thank you for your words, your emails, your open arms. All wonderful and encouraging and […]

About Face, Forward March

And so, in this crazy place we call life, everything can — and does — turn on a dime. Including my pity party. It’s a bit of a shame, really, to end it so abruptly. I put a lot of time and effort and tears into it. But I’ve been blessed this weekend to spend […]