Ode to Packing

Packed Boxes

I am beyond humbled by the response my letter to Sam received. Thank you so much for loving it, for sharing it, for embracing it. The comments were so positive and kind… and so very fun to read. The only semi-negative thing people had to say concerned my long-windedness. And that’s not really negative when […]

Mothers Day Words

Katrina and The Kids

My Mothers Day was beautiful. Time with the Willis family, time with the Hodge/Weaver family, time with Chris and the kids. Time with the DeHaiis, too, due to a little unexpected water heater incident. Thank God for good neighbors who let us use their shower in our time of need. And thank God for good […]

And the Follow-Up…

Mary Claire's Room

Because I’m feeling the Haiku today, here’s Haiku Number Deux… Offer on the house We’re taking it up the ass But they like our paint