Blog Hop – Writers Writing

Mary Claire Reading a Book

What a thrill it is to participate in the Writers Writing blog hop. I was invited and introduced last week by the lovely Ana Hays and am honored to add my voice to the conversation. As most of my readers know, I’ve always been a writer. Tucked away in the back corner of our apartment’s basement […]

Another Baby

Three of Eva Cover Page

I can assure you that Chris had a mini-heart attack when he saw the title of this post. I nearly had one penning it. No, we’re not having another baby. It does, however, feel a bit like I just did. My newest novel, “Three of Eva” (formerly titled, “See How They Run”), was delivered to […]

Introducing Catherine

Chapter 1 of the Novel

My next book is almost done. Let’s all just ignore the fact that I said it would be done in September, k? We moved, I grieved, I put my big girl pants back on… that all takes time. And I must admit the closer I get to finishing, the more hyperventilating I engage in. Birthing […]

Queen for a Day

The Queen of England

Okay, so I’m not really a queen, but I do have the honor of being the brilliant and witty Andrea Maurer’s guest blogger of the day. Close enough, I think. Andrea is a friend of a friend… (long story)… but the most important part of that particular story is that in the past year, she […]

Jumping for Joy

Chris and Katrina Jumping on the Beach

I received the email yesterday afternoon. I almost deleted it. I was clicking through all the unwanted spam in my rarely used RoadRunner account when I stopped at the subject line that said, “Congratulations!” I was fairly certain I was about to be congratulated for winning a new pair of extra-tummy-control pantyhose or a free […]

An Essay


What does fiction mean to me? This is the question posed by my fabulous life coach, Andrea Maurer, as part of our 90-Day Power Play program. And being the A+++ student I strive to be, I wholeheartedly threw myself into research and reflection. First, however, a little background. This question was prompted by my general […]

Voices and Vino

Katrina Reading "Table for Six" at a Podium

I must admit I was reluctant. The thought of standing up in front of a room half-filled with strangers and half-filled with friends while I read out loud from “Table for Six” was more than a little intimidating. It’s one thing to write your life story for everyone to consume — it’s another thing entirely […]

Getting to Know You

Katrina and Mary

One of my favorite parts about creating fiction is getting to know my characters. When you spend such a colossal amount of time with them, they quickly become the oldest of new friends. There is an infinite amount of pleasure in wondering what they’re going to say and do next, in listening to what they […]