Change Someone’s Story

Hands Free Life

It’s been an emotional summer. As you’ve all read — ad nauseam — sending Sam off to college and into his new life has kept me a bit off balance. And on August 14, I  chose — finally, and after many restless, heart-wrenching days and nights — to publicly write about pieces of my life […]

Thankful Thursday

Dear Sugar

Today is about acknowledgments. Lots of acknowledgments. First and foremost, a huge shout out to BlogHer and the Voice of the Year judges. I found out early this week that I was named a BlogHer 2015: Experts Among Us Voice of the Year for my piece, “When I Inhabit Too Much Space.” Of course, I’m […]

“I Am Understood”

I Count You Twice

“Katrina Willis can take a painful experience and offer enlightenment. She can take a hardship and reveal opportunity. She can describe deep despair and make you feel hopeful. How? Through her extraordinary gift of detail and language … through her brave willingness to go where others dare not go … through her heart that feels […]

An Invitation to Indie Publishing

They Were Good At Keeping Secrets

Dear Friends, It’s been a quiet 2015 online, I know. My 45th year made its appearance with some health challenges that knocked me to my knees, but I’m almost fully upright and ready to run again. Thanks for sticking around in the silence. Today, I’ve got some big news to share with you. I’ve partnered […]

The HerStories Project: My Other Ex

My Other Ex

Today, I hold the memory of our friendship in a small, protected pocket of my heart. It resides there, a reminder of all that was good and right. I’ve let go of what was bad, what was wrong, what tore us to pieces. ~ KAW ~ ~ ~ I’m honored to announce my inclusion in […]

Sharing Sunday with John Green

Mary Claire and John Green

Celebrate my 44th at Noah Grant’s with my best friend and listen to John Green speak all within a 24-hour window? It was a no-brainer. As soon as Andi mentioned the possibility, we loaded the three youngest kids in the car — Mary Claire and George bursting with the anticipation of meeting their literary and […]

Life Lessons from My Eight-Year-Old Self

Katrina's Childhood Memoir

The autobiography I penned at age eight begins with this: How it all started… When I was young I had some troubles. I had started to grow up to be a very spastic child. Every time I got mad I held my breath until I passed out. My mom was scared. It is a handwritten […]

Hands Free Mama: A Book Review

I was first introduced to Rachel Macy Stafford when she posted “A Letter to My 16-Year-Old Son” on the “Hands Free Revolution” Facebook page. I was astounded and overwhelmed by the instant increase in my blog traffic simply because she chose to share her space with me. Her loyal and prolific readers are a testament […]

America’s Next Author: Baby Steps

America's Next Author Logo

Dear Friends, I swore I’d never do it again, this social media writing contest thing. Never say never. My short story, “Baby Steps,” was chosen as a competitor in the 2012 America’s Next Author contest. I’m not normally a short story writer, but this particular story was born out of my next novel, “One Blue, […]

About Face, Forward March

And so, in this crazy place we call life, everything can — and does — turn on a dime. Including my pity party. It’s a bit of a shame, really, to end it so abruptly. I put a lot of time and effort and tears into it. But I’ve been blessed this weekend to spend […]