Thankful Thursday

Today is about acknowledgments. Lots of acknowledgments. First and foremost, a huge shout out to BlogHer and the Voice of the Year judges. I found out early this week that I was named a BlogHer 2015: Experts Among Us Voice of the Year for my piece, “When I Inhabit Too Much Space.” Of course, I’m […]
“I Am Understood”

“Katrina Willis can take a painful experience and offer enlightenment. She can take a hardship and reveal opportunity. She can describe deep despair and make you feel hopeful. How? Through her extraordinary gift of detail and language … through her brave willingness to go where others dare not go … through her heart that feels […]
An Invitation to Indie Publishing

Dear Friends, It’s been a quiet 2015 online, I know. My 45th year made its appearance with some health challenges that knocked me to my knees, but I’m almost fully upright and ready to run again. Thanks for sticking around in the silence. Today, I’ve got some big news to share with you. I’ve partnered […]